Michele Sbrana

End of Day sans Netflix

Michele Sbrana
End of Day sans Netflix

End of day reflection and prayer has been something I've been striving on the daily this past year; I've been successful about 12% of the time...because, well, in a word: Netflix.


However I'm finding in this season of Advent it's a bit easier to end my day in quiet reflection. The tree lit up with all its allure draws me in inviting me to take a breath, a beat. After a full day with all the things and people, successes, frustrations, disappointments, encouragements,failures, I'm trying to end my day with a period. I'm trying to acknowledge the day itself for all its gifts, lessons, encounters; and also notice what I might have missed, ignored, avoided.

I might ask myself, how if at all, did I extend love and grace and understanding? Where might have I hurried past someone or something that deserve more than a passing glance? Did I ignore someone's needs over my own? Did I avoid what needed to be confronted? Did I confront when I could have listened or let it go?

One thing I'm claiming this December: I want each of my days to count, to matter and to not be forgotten. I've noticed I can easily lose track of the actual date itself. I'm trying to write down the date and commit to memory something about the day and offer gratitude to God who gives all good gifts. And the best news? I get to try again tomorrow to be a little bit better.